Understanding JavaScript's Data Types

JavaScript offers eight basic data types:

To easily remember them, learn the mnemonic: NUNBBOSS, which stands for Null, Undefined, Number, Boolean, BigInt, Object, String, Symbol.

Now that we know there are eight data types, let's explore what these data types are used for:

- Used to represent "nothing", "value unknown" or "empty".
- We use null intentionally for missing values.
- Null is not used to reference a "non existing object"
let address = null;
- The meaning of undefined is "value is not assigned".
- We use undefined intentionally for missing values.
let age;
- Represent both integer(whole numbers) and floating point numbers (decimals).
- Used for math calculations.
- There are some special numeric values: Infinity, -Infinity, NaN (Not a Number).
let weight = 150;
weight = 150.55;
- Has two possible values: true or false
- used for logical operations
let isChecked = true;
var isVerified = false;
- Number cannot represent values larger than 2^53 - 1 or smaller than -2^53 - 1.
- BigInt allow us to use really large numbers without limitations.
- We create a BigInt by appending 'n' to the end of an integer.
const bigNumber = 987654321987654321987654321n;
- Objects are used to store collections of data by using keys and values.
let user = {
name: "John",
age: 31,
occupation: "Software Developer",
- Used for text and represented by quotes
- Strings can be represented by "", '', ``
let name = "Chris";
- Used for unique identifiers
- Often used to add unique property keys to an object
const symbol = Symbol("foo");

Of the eight data types, seven are primitive. The term “primitive” means that a data type can contain only a single value. All primitive types are immutable, and we cannot set properties on them.

Objects are the only non-primitive type because they are used to store collections of data and more complex entities.

You might be thinking, “Hey, but I heard that everything in JavaScript is an object! If a string is not an object, how come I can do the following:

"hi".toUpperCase(); // HI
view raw false_object.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

This logic makes the string “hi” appear as if it were an object because we are using a method on it. This is an illusion! JavaScript creates a temporary object when we want to use a method for a primitive type and then immediately discards it!